Friday, March 29, 2013

March 30th 2013 Unfoldment

This Week's Oracle Card: Lotus Flower

Today, I unfold...

Earth Magic Oracle Cards By Steven D. Farmer
"The Lotus Flower sits upon one of it's leaves having risen to the surface as the sun invites it to the light. What we learn from this amazing plant is how our own spiritual path opens and unfolds to the light, and then folds in upon itself as daylight fades. This period is just as necessary as the growth for it allows the plant to integrate what it has gained in nourishment during the day.
Your spiritual unfoldment is occurring at all times. Like the lotus, your soul is always reaching for the light, but even in those times there is a period of darkness and rest. It has an innate rhythm of its one, one that is unique to you. Unfold to the light.

Here's to a time of UNFOLDING!
Love & Light,
Blue Moon Gifts
Tuesday 10:00-7:00
Wed. 12:00-5:00
Thurs & Fri 10:00-6:00
Saturday 10:00-5:00


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