Friday, February 24, 2012

Oracle Card of the week February 24th 2012

This Week's Oracle Card: Detoxification
Clean your body, environment, mind, and heart ....

"Card Meaning: You are being guided to clean your body, environment, mind, and heart of toxins. God and the Fairies will help you with this endeavor.

It's time to let go of toxins, within and around you. This card validates your inner guidance that has been telling you to let go of harmful habits. Go outside in nature, and call upon the Fairies to surround you.  Ask God and the Fairies to help you release toxins from your mind, body, and heart.  Ask them to help you release your cravings for harmful habits.

You'll soon find yourself naturally desiring organic fresh food and produce. You'll be guided to read ingredient labels of all foods, beverages, and toiletry items, and you'll only want to use natural products. You'll be guided away from environmental toxins.  And most important, your thoughts and emotions will veer away from judgement and fear, and will become love-based instead.

Affirmation: I take excellent care of my body, and I crave only healthful foods and beverages."

We are offering a FREE Stone & Crystal Class this Saturday at 2pm. 
Hope to see you soon,
Blue Moon Gifts
Many of us start new exercise routines at the beginning of the year. This is a great time to detox. Those previously less used muscles will be releasing the toxins stored inside. Be sure to drink lots of water to avoid feeling tired & sluggish!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Oracle Card of the week February 17th 2012

This Week's Oracle Card: Cancel, Clear, Delete
Use only positive words & thoughts....

"Use only positive words and thoughts, as they're rapidly manifesting into form. Ask the angels to cancel the effects of past negative thinking.

Have you been complaining or worrying lately? Do you consider yourself a victim of outside circumstances or people? This card indicates that you've been using negative affirmations to describe yourself and your situations. The angels are asking you to be more aware of what you say, think, and write about yourself. Your past choice of words has blocked you, but fortunately, that barrier is removed the moment you choose positive words.

Perhaps caffeine, nicotine, sugar, or other stimulants have caused your mind to race with worry. The angels can help you reduce or eliminate cravings for stimulants. This will calm and clear your mind so that you can deliberately choose words that describe your desires instead of your fears.

ACTION STEPS: If you catch yourself saying something negative (even in jest), stop and sweep your hand at the wrist in order to push the energy of your words away from you. Then say, "Cancel, clear, delete!" to undo the effects of negative affirmations. This is similar to rebooting your computer by simultaneously pushing the control, alt, and delete keys. By saying, "Cancel, clear, delete!" you let the Universe know of your positive and clear intentions for yourself. You ensure that any previous negative affirmations won't manifest into form; instead, they'll be replace by your new, radiant intentions."
We have a fun day planned for this coming Tuesday the 21st! Margo will be here from Indianapolis to do readings 11am - 5pm. We highly recommend calling ahead to book an appointment (812.443.2584).

We also have a FREE Meditation at 6pm. We will journey through a meditation to raise our personal vibration & bring more positive energy into our lives.  
Hope you are blessed in every way this week,
Blue Moon Gifts

Friday, February 10, 2012

Weekly Oracle February 10th, 2012

This Week's Oracle Card: Horus
You are seeing this situation accurately....


"Trust your feelings about this situation, because they are accurate and valid. Let go of self-doubt, even in the face of others' opinions. Your spiritual sensitivity has helped you see the truth. Although it may be easier to go along with the crowd, or to shrink into apathy, you're called upon to take decisive action. You already know what to do. Even if people aren't supporting you, know that Spirit is. Other people will soon come around to your point of view. In the meantime, assume a leadership role.

-Trust your intuition and gut feelings
-Ignore critics, naysayers, or skeptics
-Avoid situation or relationships
 that don't feel right to you
-Only you know what is correct for you

Horus is the Egyptian falcon-headed sky and sun god whose parents were Osiris and Isis.He was conceived after his mother brought his father back from the dead, with the help of the sun god, Ra. One of Horus's eyes was injured during a battle of revenge for his father's death. This is why Horus is represented with one large and clear seeing eye. You can call upon Horus for help with spiritual or physical sight, including insight into the truth about situations."       

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Full Moon Meditation

(This full moon brings in the energies of Leo and Aquarius, signs devoted to individual creativity and collective responsibility) "I can tell you that understanding begins with love and respect. It begins with respect for the Great Spirit. All things - and I mean ALL things - have their own will and their own way and their own purpose; this is what is to be respected." -White Bison

Let's close our eyes now and take a moment to quiet our minds. Letting go of the day we have had with gratitude for each experience. Take a deep breath in through your nose and take that breath down into your abdomen. Breathe out through your mouth taking slower longer breathes each time. Let's take a moment to just pay attention & focus our breathing. Now imagine white light entering the body with each breath traveling into the lungs and releasing any energy that is not serving you through each exhale. Breathe in white light, exhale & release...(repeat at your own pace several times)

Now imagine yourself in a safe a sacred forest. Smell the damp earth & feel the mossy ground below you. See the glow of the moon through the leaves above you. Now see the amber glow of mother earth's energy reaching up through the ground and connecting with you. How nurturing she is. Place your hand over your heart and send that love energy back to Mother Earth creating a flow of energy.
Look up & find a spot now in the trees above you that is open. You can see the round glowing disc of grandmother moon, see her bathing you in a protective circle of light. This vibrant energy transforms you & fills you with the purity of spirit transforming every cell of your being to bright light—from your toes, to your navel, to your chest, to your jaw, to your eyes & the crown of your head. Relax & feel the joy of this energy. It is vibrant with the power to give, to receive, to nurture life, and manifest what is possible.
With your hand still at your heart, massage this area. This full moon brings in the energies of Leo and Aquarius, signs devoted to individual creativity and collective responsibility. They represent the forces of "me" and "we." When the radiance of me joins hands with the reality of we, our world recognizes its interdependence, how what happens to one of us touches all of us. Imagine what a future we'd create if everyone brought me and we into balance. We will take a moment to breathe balance into our world.
Breathing in…self-centered egos, cold hearts.
Breathing out…warm smiles, loving hands joined
Breathing in… the extinction of species, Breathing out…ingenious solutions, saving each animal & knowing it's value here
Breathing in…people who feel like nobodies. Breathing out... the knowing that all are divine.
See the world bathed in the purifying light of your moon offering. See yourself again in the forest under the glow of the moon.
When you are ready, bring your hands to your sides, palms facing the earth. Feel yourself slowly coming back into your body... becoming aware of the room... rest in this peace until you are ready to open your eyes. Thank you for your work this evening. -Aho

Friday, February 3, 2012

Weekly Oracle February 3rd, 2012

This Week's Oracle Card: Gaia


"Earth Mother, Mother Goddess, Great Goddess, Terra Mater, and Gaia. In the Greek pantheon, this magnificent being was Earth personified as a goddess. Daughter of Chaos, she was the mother and wife of Uranus (heaven). It is her body that we walk upon every day, and the substance of our own bodies is the substance of hers. It's from Gaia that we receive everything we need for survival, which she provides for us abundantly, nurturing our body, mind, and soul."

"She nurtures our bodies by offering the fruit of the trees, the greens from the Earth, and the air that we breathe. She nurtures our minds through her awesome physical and dynamic beauty and, as depicted in this card, by the amazing colorfulness and diversity of the world she's constantly creating and re-creating. She nurtures our souls by caressing us with her blessings each day and challenges us to be better humans through her response to our attentions and intentions."   

"Receiving can be a sacred act if your intention is to honor Spirit. It is as holy as giving when performed with a humble and open heart. This is even truer when receiving much needed nurturing, so let others give to you. It may be a stretch to do so at times because of childhood conditioning, but that habit can be overcome. Your wounds can be healed. One way to achieve this is to nurture yourself, and allow others to nurture you."  

"Consider the actions you take that are self-nurturing. What comes to you mind when you really think about doing beneficial things for yourself? Set aside your ritualized habits and beliefs that restrict the pure act of allowing your body, heart, and soul to be nurtured. Lay on the Earth and ask Gaia to rock you in her bosom as you breathe with her and relax into her loving care."       

Honey in your Heart,     
Blue Moon Gifts

Full Moon Meditation Tuesday February the 7th at 6pm.
direct link to calendar).

Wednesday, February 1, 2012