Saturday, October 26, 2013

Blessings October 26,2013

This Weeks Oracle Card: Blessings

This Weeks Oracle Card: "God and the angels are helping you right now. Continue to ask for their help and then accept it when it comes."

Pulled for this week from Healing with the Angels by Doreen Virtue Ph.D.
The angels want you to know that you have extra belssings around you right now. Perhaps you have recently experienced some challenges, or maybe you are currently asking for extra help. Either way, the angels surround you now with more divine love than ever. Additional angels are with you, giving you an added cushion of love and light.
Sometimes you may feel as if God and the angels have abandoned you. This card seeks to remind you that they are not gone and they cannot leave you ever. It is only our fear that makes us blind and mute to the presence of our angels. Yet your angels can lift away your fears if you will ask and then let them.You are truly blessed and very, very loved by
God and the angels.


Love & Light,
Blue Moon Gifts

Tuesday 10:00-5:30
Wed. 12:00-5:00
Thurs 10:00-6:00
Fri 10:00-5:00
Saturday 10:00-5:00

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Love Yourself First October 12, 2013

This Weeks Oracle Card: Love Yourself First

This Weeks Oracle Card: "Your self-respect makes you more romantically attractive."

Pulled for this week from The Romance Angels by Doreen Virtue Ph.D.

If you desire more romance, first look at yourself ( in a caring and noncritical way, of course.) The more you love who you are, the greater your capacity to feel loved by others. This means trusting yourself to take good care of you, and it may entail becoming more assertive. Don't worry: you can still be very lovable while affirming your boundaries. Perhaps this means spending more time alone, instead of in a relationship. During this period, you ca delve into introspection to understand the patterns of your love life. Ultimately, you can take responsibility for attracting, and agreeing to every relationship you've had. To heal your heart, find the blessing and lessons you've gained from each one. For instance, have you become stronger, more independent, or more patient as a result of your prior partnerships? If so, let everything else from the past go except for the lessons and the love. This card emphasises the importance of loving yourself first-especially as you prepare for your next relationship or heal the one you're in. As you gain self respect, you'll begin attracting more loving people into your life. This will lead to healthy friendships and romances, based upon mutual respect.

Love & Light,
Blue Moon Gifts

Tuesday 10:00-5:30
Wed. 12:00-5:00
Thurs 10:00-6:00
Fri 10:00-5:00
Saturday 10:00-5:00

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Break Free October 5, 2013

This Weeks Oracle Card: Break Free 


This Weeks Oracle Card: "Try different ventures and experiences as a way to grow and learn."


Pulled for this week from Messages from Guidebook for Magical Mermaids and 
Dolphins  by Doreen Virtue Ph.D.

Sometimes we get into ruts and routines because they feel safe and comfortable. By drawing this card, you're asked to swim outside your comfort zone. It's time to take risks and explore new ways of thinking, making a living, or being in relationships. When you make the commitment to explore and experiment, the world responds by giving you wonderful new experiences. Heaven isn't necessarily asking you to settle into these new avenues, but to instead test the water and venture out. Sometimes we'll experiment and learn new things, and then when we return to our comfortable old routines, we're changed (for the better). This is definitely a time for you to reach out and enjoy new options.Try something new today! 

Love & Light,
Blue Moon Gifts

Tuesday 10:00-5:30
Wed. 12:00-5:00
Thurs  10:00-6:00
Fri  10:00-5:00
Saturday 10:00-5:00