Friday, August 5, 2011

Oracle Card of the Week August 5th

This Week's Oracle Card: Archangel Zadkiel


"Archangel Zadkiel: Soften your heart with respect to this situation, and all the people involved, including yourself.

I can help you forgive yourself and others, or to compassionately see everyone's point of view. You needn't change your stance or behavior. It simply means approaching the situation with a loving heart, which empowers you and allows creative solutions to pour forth.

Forgiveness of oneself is the hardest to do. Once one has forgiven oneself it is a lot easier to start forgiving others. When forgiveness is reached the solutions to the situation become much easier to see.

Archangel Zadkiel's name means "Righteousness of God", and he helps us release unforgiveness toward ourselves and others.

~Doreen Virtue  

Let's think about the balance of our heart chakra this week. To see through the eyes of forgiveness the heart must be opened.   

The heart chakra is all about love, caring, and endearment. When open, you are compassionate and friendly, always working in amicable relationships. If under-active: you can be cold and unfriendly. If it's over-active: you tend to be so "loving" towards people that you suffocate them.   

Place your hand over your heart, breathe deeply several times imagining your energy filling that space. Feel the warmth building and imagine your heart as a blossoming flower opening to give and receive love. 

Blue Moon Gifts 


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