Friday, August 19, 2011

Oracle Card of the Week August 19th 2011

This Week's Oracle Card: You Found It!
Congratulations --- You've found your way!...

"St. Anthony of Padua- You Found It. This is a message about finding something of great value, such as your life path or a lost item. St. Anthony asks you to have faith that you've found (or will soon find) what you're  looking for. The situation that your inquiring about is what you've been seeking. Congratulations you've found your way!

Both St. Anthony and the Archangel Chamuel can help you find lost items. Call upon them both (either silently or aloud) and ask them to help you. Then pay attention to your inner guidance,such as gut feelings, visions, or thoughts. Follow this wisdom and you'll find the item. Trust in the mircle of Heaven's helpers retrieving the item for you. Remember that nothing is lost in the mind of God. And if for some reason it doesn't immediately return, hold the faith that it will come back to you in Divine timing.

St. Anthony of Padua, Italy, was called "the Wonder Worker" for his reported miraculous healings, including bringing a man back to life. An eloquent speaker, he traveled widely to preach and help the poor. It's even reported that he gave speeches outdoors in the rain, yet his audience remained dry. Many people call on St. Anthony to find lost items and to regain the grace of God, with miraculous results."

~Doreen Virtue   

Perhaps, in your findings, a good book will be in the mix...  

"Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers."  ~Charles W. Eliot

Love & Peacefulness,  
Blue Moon Gifts 


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