Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Oracle Card of the Week September 1st 2010

This Week's Oracle Card: Poseidon
Poseidon: "Earth Shaker..."       
"Poseidon is the earth shaker who demands respect. The earth may be shaking for you at this time. Old structures that are no longer useful to you are breaking down and a new knowledge is removing the foundations on which you've built your current place in life.

The truth is, the old foundations no longer serve you, regardless of whether you feel ready to face that fact or not, for they would not have crumbled if they were built on anything that was still substantial. The bigger picture may not be in sight right now, but when the time is right, the bounty of a new land will be revealed and it will be up to you to take the next step.
Enjoy it! Ride the waves into a new phase of your life, for adventure awaits you."

Poseidon is the son of Rhea and Cronus. The ruler of water, seas and oceans, he holds the trident (a three-pronged fork). He is known to be both the supporter of the Earth as well as the shaker of the Earth and has been said to be the creator of many earthquakes.

He brings us a powerful message this week of change. Remember that dog totem is with you, now is a good time to call on your "pack" for support and enjoy the loyalty and sincerity they offer.

Love & Puppy Kisses,
Blue Moon Gifts 


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