Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Oracle Card of the Week September 15th 2010

This Week's Oracle Card: The Ford
The Ford: "Crossing Boundaries, Overcoming Obstacles, Reconciling Opposites..." 
"Rivers made natural boundaries and often marked the edges of tribal territories. To cross a Ford meant stepping from one realm to another, overcoming obstacles... You are facing a major obstacle but have the ability to overcome it. The only way is to confront it, understand it and work through it. You must not go around. This card can also indicate disputes settled with ease."

Now is a good time to take in those lessons dog shares and apply them to ourselves. This week is a time for selfless love, support for our "pack" and unending loyalty. Every now and again it is important to cross those boundaries of self preservation and be love for some one, deserving or not.

Love & Loyalty,
Blue Moon Gifts 


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