Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Oracle Card of the Week August 18th 2010

This Week's Oracle Card: Teacher
Teacher: "It's time to pass your knowledge on to others..."   
"This card is about learning and teaching. You've learned a lot from your experiences and relationships, and now it's time to pass that knowledge along to others. Your current situation is bringing you opportunities for spiritual growth and teaching you some important life lessons. As soon as you understand and accept these lessons, old patterns will drop away and be replaced by wonderful new experiences. This situation is bringing you important life lessons.  Mahachohan Ragoczy is regarded as a great spiritual teacher whose students include Saint-Germain."

Often we wish we could read every single book in the store. They all sound so fabulous and reading them feels like satisfying a craving of the soul. Unfortunately, as much as we would like, we are not able to read the whole day through!

This got us thinking on a book review program for the store. What if customers submitted reviews on the books they read in the store?!?!? Wouldn't this be a wonderful way for us all to get a taste of what these books are about? What they are inspiring, teaching, or fueling in our lives. With that in mind we are starting a book review contest for our customers! How fitting that we draw 'the Teacher' as we introduce this way for us to learn as a community.

Every entry will receive a $5.00 gift certificate. If we choose to feature your review in a newsletter and/or in the store you will receive 40% off your next book purchase. Please submit all reviews to or bring them by the store. Be sure to include the book title and author's name along with your name and contact information.

Joy & Blessings,
Blue Moon Gifts 


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