Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Oracle Card of the Week June 23rd 2010

This Weeks Oracle Card: Integrity
Integrity: "Align your actions so that they match your values."


"Align your actions so that they match your values and inner knowingness of what's right for you.

This card is a response to your questions or prayers about increasing your happiness and confidence. The angels' answer is: Only conduct activities that you believe are right. This is based on no one else's code of conduct but your own.

The angels say that engaging in behaviors that you feel guilty or ashamed about erode your self-esteem and self-confidence. Conversely, you can feel great about yourself by only doing that which you feel is right. Again, this is based on your own moral compass and no one else's.

The angels can help you change or heal any situation or relationship so you're able to bring your entire life fully into alignment with your inner truth."

Carnelian is the stone of integrity & a symbol of the strength & beauty of the earth. Carnelian is attributed with the ability to stimulate & to stir into action. It softens anger & disperses strife. It promotes contentment, thus it is a good stone to wear. Carnelian helps a person to develop self-control.

Resource: Earth Medicine by Kenneth Meadows

Many Blessings,
Blue Moon Gifts 


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