Friday, November 2, 2012

Oracle Card of the Week November 2nd 2012

This Week's Oracle Card: Synergy     
Green Man...

"You have the advantage of an incredible synergy at this time.
A flow of life is guiding you, where things just seem, to fall into place as you move about your business.

You are in a mutually cooperative interaction with Spirit, as your will is aligned with the will of Spirit, and your mission is congruent with your sense of purpose.

When this is happening, there is a synergy, a way that your life force is continually coming into balance with the forces of Nature. There is also a synergy between your spiritual awareness and your personal self, or ego. Be aware of the various idiosyncrasies of your ego, and do not take them too seriously. Know that your Higher Self is always looking out for your best interests.

In this cycle, tune in to that guidance, however it shows up, and you will find that you move through Life with greater ease due to a synergistic balance of forces expressing themselves as you."  
Go with the flow & see the wonder all around you!

Love & Light,
Blue Moon Gifts

HOLIDAY HOURS have begun:
Open until 7pm Tues, Wed & Thurs!


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