Friday, September 14, 2012

Oracle Card of the Week September 14th 2012

This Week's Oracle Card: Quiet Time

You need some time alone....

"Quiet Time ~
You need some time alone, away from other people and environmental noises. Even a brief respite would be extremely rejuvenating for you.
Sometimes we are not even cognizant of the detrimental impact of stress in our life. We become so accustomed to living in an uproar that we are not aware when our body is telling us that it is on overload. The symptoms include illness, unusual fatigue, depression or anxiety, appetite and weight issues, addictions, sleep disorders, irritability, and a desire to withdraw from life.
You are now being asked to honor your body and soul by spending some quiet time alone - as soon as possible. This might mean going on a silent retreat; spending the day at a lake or beach, or in the mountains; taking a hike; or visiting a day spa. You coud even turn off your phone; put a 'Do Not Disturb' sign on your door; and take an afternoon nap, a long bubble bath, or read your favorite book. Regardless of the form that your quiet time takes, the fairies just ask that you keep this promise to yourself without delay.
Affirmation: I now give myself permission to be silent within and without. My mind is quiet, and I enjoy my own company."

Oh no! Due to some water damage, WE WILL BE CLOSED TOMORROW (Saturday the 14th), for repairs. Sorry for any inconvenience. Please send well wishes and good juju to our roof.
Hope this finds you in the best of times.
Beauty in All Things,
Blue Moon Gifts


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