Friday, July 13, 2012

Oracle Card of the Week July 13th, 2012

This Week's Oracle Card: Practice...    
Polish your skills....


"The answer to your question about how to better your career involves focusing your time and attention on a skill that's related to your heart's true interests and passions. Perhaps it's a hobby that you dream of turning into an occupation. This is possible if you will devote the time and energy to polishing your skills in this area. Visualize yourself enjoying the benefit of being successful in this endeavor. Expect the best, and then do the necessary work to make this a reality.  

A little bit of time devoted each day to practicing will become a positive habit yielding positive results. You'll soon notice yours skills improving and your level of enjoyment increasing. Your body will intuitively learn how to automatically incorporate what you've practiced, and you'll find new inspiration as you move from an act of struggle to one of freedom & joy." 

We can take a lesson from the stars. They show up and hold their space in the sky day or night. Whether they are seen or not they are doing their work.

Let's daily improve upon our skills through this week.   
Bright Shooting Stars, 
Blue Moon Gifts


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