Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Root Chakra Meditation:

ROOT CHAKRA  - Muladhara   (Moo laa d hara)
We will start this evening’s meditation by taking several deep breathes… filling our abdomen and reaching all the way to the base of our spines. Exhale slowly with each breath. Now, as you breathe in ‘imagine white light entering your lungs and as you exhale imagine any cloudy murky energy being released.’ Repeat.
We will now take a moment to ground ourselves. Now that we have released any clouded energy and replaced it with bright white light, we will ground ourselves by seeing the white light of our energy flowing like roots down into the ground… connecting with mother earth and rooting us in place… See that energy being shared. Feel that connection.

Now we will begin our work on the root chakra. Take another deep breath and pull it down through your body to the very base of your spine, the seat of the first chakra. As you release the air, relax all the muscles in your toes, feet and legs. Take in more air and focus on your connecting point to the earth. Now exhale again continuing to relax those muscles,... With this breath imagine a strong magnetic cord of energy connecting your root chakra to the earth. Allow that energy to arise within you, from below.

Imagine a feeling of strength surging into this "root" center from the deep center of the earth. As it increases, keep your attention on this powerful magnetic energy at the base of your spine. Focusing at the base of the spine, imagine that with each breath, energy collects and builds up there. Continue to relax and sense the foundation of your body. Sensing your root center, breathe as if the earth's energy is coming directly into you from below. Allow the energy to build, like a growing, magnetic force. Feel the weight of your attachment to the earth: its gravitational pull on your body, through the mass of rock.. dirt.. clay.. and minerals. Feel the exchange between yourself and the earth. Sense the huge mass of the planet under you, pulling you down towards dense earth.

As you activate your root chakra you will begin to see the ball of light becoming bright clear red. All dusty-ness will be removed as you bring healing to this area. Repeat to yourself: I am Stable, I am Healthy, I am Prosperous, I have a right to be here on this planet, I TRUST myself.
Repeat…I am Stable, I am Healthy, I am Prosperous, I have a right to be here on this planet, I TRUST myself.

Once again pay attention to your breathing, begin to feel that you are in a safe place. Slowly, feel yourself returning to the awareness of this room where we are sitting. When you are ready, open your eyes and exhale with gratitude for the work you did for yourself this evening.


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