Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Oracle Card of the Week November 9th 2010

This Week's Oracle Card: Practice
Practice: "The best way to be good at a skill is to practice..."   

"This card is a sign that you need to practice a skill that's important to you...As you practice, some days you'll feel stronger than others, yet you'll notice that your skills improve the more you use them. So have patience with yourself and your teachers. It may take time for you to learn how to do something in the best way. Practice really is the best way to improve your skills.

Whether your dream is to paint, write, dance, sing... practice is one way to make your dreams come true."

Hope you are doing well this week! Sounds like we will all be busy perfecting a skill or two. Don't forget to have fun with the process!

Good Luck,
Blue Moon Gifts


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