Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Oracle Card of the Week October 20th 2010

This Week's Oracle Card: The Metal King
Metal King: "discipline, armor, setting healthy boundaries"      

"The Metal King is strong and arrives to lend you his impenetrable shield of protection. No matter who sends you criticism or jealousy, you will not be hurt.

This ally also prompts you to think about setting healthy boundaries. When you do -- no matter how uncomfortable that task may be -- everyone will benefit. He asks you to make sure you know where you end & another begins. Other's emotions are not yours, no matter how empathetic you may be
Another of the Metal Kings messages is to remind you how important it is to have a healthy sense of self-esteem. It's a good time to shine and be proud of what you have accomplished.

Metal Kings speaks to us of co-dependency. This has come up a lot in the past couple of weeks. Codependency is a tendency to behave in overly passive or excessively caretaking ways that negatively impact one's relationships and quality of life. It often involves putting one's needs at a lower priority than others while being excessively preoccupied with the needs of others.

While it is good to be a caring and loving person it is also important to set good boundaries that honor our commitment to care for our selves. Metal King has come up this week to remind us of that balance.

May you find a good balance with caring for your self and others this week.

Blessings of Inner Peace,
Blue Moon Gifts 


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