Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Oracle Card of the Week July 28th 2010

This Week's Oracle Card: Visualize Success
Visualize Success: "Have faith in a positive outcome..."   

Pulled for this week from Doreen Virtue's Angel Therapy Oracle Cards

"The angels want to boost your confidence and relieve you of worries about this situation. Part of this process involves holding positive visions for yourself and the other people involved. When you expect the best, you inspire the best in yourself and others.

The situation you're inquiring about depends on your faith in, and firm vision of, a successful outcome. Fortunately, the angels can help you hold a high and clear vision of success. Just ask them for this help, and it is done."

How wonderful to see fall just around the corner! We can hardly wait to see that transformation of color and the heartwarming smells of apple cider, camp fires and the damp changing earth.

Doreen leaves us with an action step to help with this week's visualization:

She says:
"It is easiest to visualize success if you have a 'focal point,' which means something to stare at that acts like a blank canvas upon which you paint your visualization. The flame of a white candle makes a wonderful focal point.

Relax while staring at a lit white candle, and imagine yourself in the actual situation doing beautifully well. See and feel everyone involved as smiling, happy, and fulfilled. Allow yourself to feel safe and secure in your stomach and all throughout your mind and body. Give any concerns about how this positive outcome will occur to God and the angels. The 'how' is taken care of by God's infinite wisdom and love."

Wishing you a Magical Week,
Blue Moon Gifts 


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