Friday, May 25, 2012

Oracle Card of the May 25th 2012

This Week's Oracle Card: High Lord of Gratitude  
Service, Selflessness, Humility, Conscious Action....

"The High Lord of Gratitude and Service has arrived to help you find your true purpose today. Feeling gratitude for each moment you experience, and loving what is and what has been, will remind you that every breath you take holds a deep and profound awareness. Through small actions and selfless service to another, you're automatically placed upon your highest path, whether you're immediately aware of it or not. The presence of this Ally lets you know that you're on the correct path to fulfilling your desire. You're also notified that your actions of service and attitude of gratitude will yield riches beyond your wildest dreams, as long as those riches aren't the goal you have in mind. Giving service with no thought of return is what's required of you today. This would also be a good time to write a list reminding yourself of all the things in your life and the world around you that you have to be grateful for. If your question refers to a relationship, let gratitude be your guide. Be thankful for all you learn from this person.Truly, there are no friends and no enemies, just teachers along life's journey. Be grateful for the laughter and even for the tears. The attitude of gratitude is a magnet for true love in all forms."

I hope life slows down for you this week as you take notice of a blooming flower, sunlight through the trees and laughing children out of school. Please take the time to reflect and open your heart to the gratefulness that lies with in. 

Love & Open Hearts, 
Blue Moon Gifts

Friday, May 18, 2012

Oracle Card of the week May 18th, 2012

This Week's Oracle Card: Know Your Power 
You have choice in all things....

"Know Your Power - You have choice in all things. Your power is born of that freedom to choose, but with that freedom comes the burden of responsibility. To know your power you must accept responsibility for your part in all you experience even when you allow another to impose their choice or will upon you. You have the power to choose if you wear a saddle or bridle, or if another will ride upon your back. Own your power. Know it and see it in all of your choices and actions."

"Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions."
-The Dalai Lama 

Let's make some brave and powerful choices this week & let our actions follow.

Tuesday May 22nd at 6pm will be our next free guided meditation. We are working our way up through the chakras and will focus on the Solar Plexus. You may begin at any point of this series. Hope to see you there.

Love & Open Hearts, 
Blue Moon Gifts

Friday, May 11, 2012

Oracle Card of the Week May 11th 2012

This Week's Oracle Card: See the Signs
Be watchful...


"See the Signs - We are often sent small signs in the form of synchronicities and coincidences. Be watchful. Do not overlook them in the everyday rush of life. Words, numbers, and symbols that repeat, animals and birds that appear in your path, people who come in and out of your life at odd or similar moments, and those flashes of knowing when you believe something will happen with every fibre of your being. These are all things you are meant to see and hear; messages from Gaia and Great Spirit sent to aid your journey."

Hope you had a wonderful week. Keep yourself open to messages from Spirit. You are SO loved! 

Peace & Sunshine,  
Blue Moon Gifts

Friday, May 4, 2012

Oracle Card of the Week May 4th 2012

This Week's Oracle Card: Communion

Recognize your connection to all beings...


"Here the man and the eagle make contact through their eyes and spirits. The man has performed a ceremonial calling to Eagle brother, who now comes to him as a familiar friend. It's an intimate relationship between human being and feathered being, one of both spirit and flesh. Yet it's ultimately this deep spiritual kinship that connects them, formed from their recognition of the sacredness of this bond.
Eagle Spirit is often associated with the highest and noblest, encouraging us to let our spirits soar. Through this communion, we know that we can touch the sky. We know that we can be more than just two-legged creatures clinging to the ground. We're intimately related to all of Life on the planet, and it's through communing with any expression of Life that we realize how vitally connected we all are."

Try to be the person your dog thinks you are this week. =)
Love & A Light Heart,
Blue Moon Gifts

Animal Totem of the Month May 4th 2012