Friday, June 17, 2011

Oracle Card of the Week June 17th 2011

This Week's Oracle Card: Radiance
"Summer Solstice..."

"Let the radiance of the sun inspire your inner radiance to shine forth.  Release your concerns about what may happen in the future, and focus on appreciating everything you have that is good and right.  Allow Father Sun to take away your worries and cares.  Do something physically active to stimulate your inner light.  Dance.  Sing.  But most important, get outdoors.  Do not let any negative thoughts or habits stop you.  When you are in love with Life, you naturally radiate that love.  During this part of your cycle, your capacity to love is greatly amplified.  In one of those supreme ironies of Life, the more love you give, the more returns to you.  It starts by allowing the radiant being you truly are to be expressed into the world.  Smile a little more.  Notice the beauty of Nature.  See the humor in the paradoxes of Life.  Show your love, especially to those with whom you are closest.  Then smile even more, and watch how the world around you lightens up!

The word solstice originates from the Latin word solstitium, which means "stationary or stopped (stiti-) sun (sol)." This is because twice during the solar year, the sun appears to rise and set in the same place for several days. It seems to be taking a much needed rest before making the next circuit across the sky from one solstice to the next -- it is ceaseless, predictable certainty having existed since before the time of the ancestors. There are stories in many cultures that personify the sun as a deity, either male or female, often riding the sun across the sky in a boat or chariot.

With the summer solstice comes the culmination of the sun's travels that have led to the longest days of the year. The light is now at its fullest and has provided it's own brand of nourishment to the land and all of its inhabitants. Celebrations and ceremonies abound. Passion and playfulness are themes. We feel an innate desire to be outdoors in the natural world and reap the benefits of the longest days of the year. We instinctually seek the light, and during this cycle, there is an abundance of it."  
-Steven Farmer 

Hope you had a chance to take in that beautiful full moon this week, wow!
How incredibly timely to pull this card for the coming week. The Summer Solstice is this coming Tuesday, June 21st.   

Saturday June 25th:   

FREE henna tattoos,
FREE facial massage,
FREE gift,

Discounted readings,
HALF price astrology reports,
& refreshments!
Hope to see you there! 

Sunny Happy Wishes,
Blue Moon Gifts 

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Oracle Card of the Week June 10th

This Week's Oracle Card: Healing
"A situation that has caused you concern is on the mend...""

"A situation that has caused you concern is on the mend. You are a natural healer, and your healing thoughts have manifested into form."

Sometimes a situation cannot heal until you release the challenge completely - so that healing light can enter it. Your worries will soon be over, because this card signifies that a healing has occurred. To realize this healing, however, you must first stop focusing on "what is wrong" and instead affirm: "Everything is in Divine and perfect order right now."

You have natural healing abilities, and this message asks you to trust that the Angels work through you as an Earth Healing Angel. Hold thoughts of Love around any situation that seems to need healing. Visualize the situation as healed right now. Then, give thanks for this healing, completely release everything to the Angels. The powerful effects of your healing work touch many lives.
-Doreen Virtue 

Come Celebrate Goddess Day with us! 
Saturday June 25th:   

FREE henna tattoos,
FREE facial massage,
FREE gift,

Discounted readings,
HALF price astrology reports,
& refreshments!

Mark it on your calendar! 

Love to you,
Blue Moon Gifts 
"Follow Your Bliss to
Blue Moon Gifts..."

Friday, June 3, 2011

Oracle Card of the Week June 3rd 2011

This Week's Oracle Card: Leadership
"It is time for you to assume your leadership power and position..."

"Embrace your power in a loving way, and use it for the greater good. I'll guide your actions so they inspire and motivate others.  I'll also replace any self-doubt about your qualifications with an increased desire to serve, help and teach. When your focus is more on 'How may I serve?' then you won't worry what others may think about you. Focus upon your strengths, the many lessons you've learned, and how good it feels to be a living example of following one's Divine guidance.

Working with Archangel Gabriel: Gabriel's name means "God is my Strength," and this phrase describes you as well. Regardless of your background, you have God's strength pouring through you at all times. Gabriel can help you fearlessly tap into this power. She'll reassure you that it's safe for you to be powerful, and protect you in all ways. Gabriel's aura is copper, like her trumpet. When you wear the crystal stone citrine, or the precious metal copper, you readily connect with her energy."

-Doreen Virtue


"Leaders are visionaries with a poorly developed sense of fear and no concept of the odds against them."   
~Robert Jarvik
Laughter & Loveliness,
Blue Moon Gifts 
"Follow Your Bliss to
Blue Moon Gifts..."

Wednesday, June 1, 2011