This Week's Oracle Card: Honor & Trust

"Archangel Michael urges you to look inward and listen, for this card is a sign that your feelings are accurately tuned in to the truth. Some of these feelings may be uncomfortable to face, yet they're with you for an important reason. If you're conflicted, sit down with pen and paper and conduct an "interview" with your emotional self by asking: What are you feeling? Why? What would you like me to do? Your feelings will speak loudly and clearly if you keep an open mind and trust what you hear.
Respect your inner voice as the powerful life force that connects you to the Divine. Often God and the angels answer your prayers and offer you guidance through your physical and emotional feelings. If you say, "Oh, it's just a feeling," you're ignoring vital Divine assistance. This card reminds you to listen - really listen - to your feelings.
Possible specific meanings:
♥ It's time to admit that you're unhappy in a certain situation and to take appropriate corrective action.
♥ Someone's trying to talk you out of feeling a certain way - stick to what you know and feel as your barometer.
Thank you, Archangel Michael, for supporting, guiding, and protecting me as I listen to and act upon my feelings. Help me understand and express my emotions with love."
Respect your inner voice as the powerful life force that connects you to the Divine. Often God and the angels answer your prayers and offer you guidance through your physical and emotional feelings. If you say, "Oh, it's just a feeling," you're ignoring vital Divine assistance. This card reminds you to listen - really listen - to your feelings.
Possible specific meanings:
♥ It's time to admit that you're unhappy in a certain situation and to take appropriate corrective action.
♥ Someone's trying to talk you out of feeling a certain way - stick to what you know and feel as your barometer.
Thank you, Archangel Michael, for supporting, guiding, and protecting me as I listen to and act upon my feelings. Help me understand and express my emotions with love."
Blessed New Beginnings,
Blue Moon Gifts
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