This Week's Oracle Card: Courage

"There is always a way to accomplish that which we seek. Yet the way is not always clear and we must walk through the doorway of illusion and fear. Life is filled with unforeseen challenges. The trait that will carry us through hard times is perseverance and courage. The seeking of courage is awakened through inner knowledge that all is possible and perfect in the mind of God. It isn't necessarily a fearless state of mind, but a trained mind with courage... is action in spite of fear.
The medicine card courage is asking you to stretch beyond your trepidation, step past the old comfort zone. As you move through your fear, you learn to intimately understand Courage."
Nan Tan Nupan - Gray wolf Chief, Geronimo had magical powers as a medicine man, advisor to chiefs both spiritually and intellectually. He could see into the future, walk without creating footprints and had an alleged immunity to bullets. Geronimo embodied the very essence of the Apache, Courage in the face of difficulty. He rebelled against the federal government for more than 25 years. In the end it took almost 10,000 men to track 16 warriors, 12 women and 6 children.
We will have a bad weather reschedule date of Friday the 27th (6pm) for the Vision Board Workshop if we get the called for freezing rain tomorrow. Please check the calendar for updates (direct link to calendar).
Brightness & Bliss,
Blue Moon Gifts
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