Pulled for this week from Goddess Guidance by Doreen Virtue Ph.D.
If you listen to the sound of your heart and breath, you'll recognize the ancient rhythms of your own internal drumming. This forever connects you to the mother of all creation, and to the sound of the planet Earth. These rhythms can't be faked or forged; they're natural and eternal. What part of you are you trying to ignore? What part of you has been overly concerned with pleasing others, to the detriment of hearing the sounds of your own rhythm? Dear child, reach out and extend your arms to embrace your dreams. They're just as much a part of nature as are the trees, animals, and sunsets. Don't your own dreams deserve the same respect that you accord everyone and everything that you love? Listen to them, my child. Listen to your dreams. They'll activate the powerful eruption of passion in your life. Don't be afraid of your own passion, for it will propel you naturally and will excite and invigorate you. When you dance to the rhythms of your life, your truly alive in all ways!
Love & Light,
Blue Moon Gifts
Tuesday 10:00-5:30
Wed. 12:00-5:00
Thurs 10:00-6:00
Fri 10:00-5:00
Fri 10:00-5:00
Saturday 10:00-5:00
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