Saturday, May 11, 2013

Demeter ~May 11th 2013~

This Week's Oracle Card: Demeter
The Mother...

Mythic Oracle by Mellado & Phelan

"Our lives always move in cycles. We have periods that are like summer, when everything seems to be flourishing and going well, and periods like winter when it seems like nothing is working, moving, changing or improving. Winter may even feel like a period of total mental, emotional or physical stillness. While every stage is important and essential to growth, some stages are harder than others.  

If you have pulled this card today, the long and barren winter is over. You may have gone through a period when you were working very hard at school, at home, in activities, or in relationships, with little to no visible evidence for the work you did. That time is now over, and your life is shifting toward movement and rewards.

This is a time of harvest for you. This means that it is time to receive your due for your work. You have been through the harsh, cold winter, worked hard and remained focused, and now is the time for reaping the benefits.

All the seeds that you planted have grown and borne fruit, and this is a time for carefully and lovingly harvesting the fruits of your labor. With in each fruit, new seeds emerge. This is a time of great abundance. Remember to have reverence, humility, and gratitude as you enjoy this joyous part of the cycle of nature" 

We hope you are soaking up this time of seed planting both in your garden & in your heart!

Love & Light,
Blue Moon Gifts

Tuesday 10:00-7:00
Wed. 12:00-5:00
Thurs & Fri 10:00-6:00
Saturday 10:00-5:00


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