This Week's Oracle Card: Start Delegating...
The Green Tara....

"Green Tara is a Mother
earth Goddess who urges us to take action rather than waiting for
things to happen. She rescues us by empowering us to save ourselves.
Her urges will bring new creative ways of doing things into your life.
If you have a problem sit quietly for a while and ask her to send you
the idea you need to create your solution.
Today she is reminding us that responsibilities, particularly
within family relationships, are for sharing. If you take on more than
your share you will end up feeling resentful of others, especially if
you end up with no time to do your own things that bring joy and peace
to your life. Tara says there is nothing wrong with asking for help, it
doesn't weaken you. Instead it brings people closer together and helps
bring balance to relationships."
"Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends..."
-The Beatles
May your heart be warmed & full,
Blue Moon Gifts
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