Friday, August 31, 2012

Oracle Card of the Week August 31st 2012

This Week's Oracle Card: Blessings...    

"A rainbow is created by the collaboration of sunlight and water in the atmosphere. The water droplets become tiny prisms that collectively diffuse and disperse light into a ribbon of colors that is the essence of every hue we're capable of perceiving on this planet. Rainbows symbolize many things, including good luck, a bridge to heaven, and abundance.

The storm has passed, and it is time to enjoy the refreshing beauty of this cycle, even though it has been difficult to appreciate any sense of purposefulness in what you have endured lately. You can now, as they say, count your blessings. Do not just look at the "brighter side" adhering to some academic mantra that has no heart or depth, but do so slowly and with genuine gratitude that is expressed up close and personal."  

Happy Blue Moon!!! Hope you spend some time sending love to that beautiful light in our evening sky. In Native traditions the moon is often referred to as Grandmother. Let's reflect on that as we soak up this blessing of a 2nd full moon in one month. Consider doing something nice for a grandmother, whether she is still with us or she has gone home and is looking down upon us with love.

The end of the day is coming quickly so frog wants to stay with us a little longer and go out with the email today... look for opossum energy to enter your life in September.
Full Blue Moon Blessings,  
Blue Moon Gifts

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Coloring Contest!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Oracle Card of the Week August 24th 2012

This Week's Oracle Card: Let Friends Help...    
Ask for and accept support....

"This card is a signal that you'd benefit from spending quality time with your friends. If you're currently in a relationship, you will get renewed enthusiasm by having regular outings with good friends. If you're single, then spending time with these special people will get you out of the house, and bring fresh energy."

"LET YOUR FRIENDS HELP YOU - Ask for and accept support from others. The Romance Angels are helping you via other people, to the degree that you'll allow this assistance to occur. This card indicates that you need to be more willing to ask for guidance, especially within the context of your love life. For instance, discuss your feelings, hopes, and dreams. Then, allow others to help you. Perhaps they'll offer support, give advice, or even know of a potential partner among their acquaintances."

Wow! August is flying by!!! Don't forget the Blue Moon next Friday. Set out some water in the moonlight and catch up some of that Blue Moon energy.

Bright Blissful Joy,  
Blue Moon Gifts

Friday, August 17, 2012

Oracle Card of the Week August 17th 2012

This Week's Oracle Card: Green Man...    
Retreat into Nature....


"Nature is calling us outdoors.You have been indoors too long and you need a refreshing break from stressful conditions. No matter how busy you are, there is always time to pause for fresh air. This card comes to you today with a strong message for you to spend time alone outdoors. The healing affects of nature will revive your energy and outlook, and you will return to home or work with new ideas and a fresh perspective. Think of your nature retreat as an investment that will yield huge dividends."

Additional meanings listed for this card are: Work with flower essences, crystals & plant medicine... Commune with animals, trees, fairies & other spirits of nature.

Hope you can stop in for the Free Meditation next Tuesday.  

Peace in your Heart, 
Blue Moon Gifts

Friday, August 10, 2012

Oracle Card of the Week August 10th 2012

This Week's Oracle Card: Nurture...
Nurture all you love....

"Nurture All You Love - Take the time to nurture the things you care about so that they may flourish and grow. Your hopes, your dreams, your body, your mind, your spirit, your creations, and your relationships; all that is you needs to be cherished, loved, honoured, and respected. Without care and attention, these aspects of self can fall into a state of neglect that does only harm to both you and the world around you. Nurture them, and they will bring you peace and fulfilment."

Take a look around your home this week. Is there something you once loved that has been neglected lately? Put your heart there.
Love is all there is,
Blue Moon Gifts

Friday, August 3, 2012

Oracle Card of the Week August 3rd 2012

This Week's Oracle Card: Start Delegating...    
The Green Tara....


"Green Tara is a Mother earth Goddess who urges us to take action rather than waiting for things to happen. She rescues us by empowering us to save ourselves. Her urges will bring new creative ways of doing things into your life. If you have a problem sit quietly for a while and ask her to send you the idea you need to create your solution. 
Today she is reminding us that responsibilities, particularly within family relationships, are for sharing. If you take on more than your share you will end up feeling resentful of others, especially if you end up with no time to do your own things that bring joy and peace to your life. Tara says there is nothing wrong with asking for help, it doesn't weaken you. Instead it brings people closer together and helps bring balance to relationships." 

"Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends..."
-The Beatles   

May your heart be warmed & full, 
Blue Moon Gifts