This Week's Oracle Card: Choose Peace
What brings the greatest feeling of peace to your body & mind...

"In this situation, choose the path of peace. As you think about your various options and possible outcomes, which brings the greatest feeling of peace to your body and mind? This is your answer.
Listen to your heart's truth. There is always a peaceful alternative to conflict. Your peacefulness elevates your energy and helps you to manifest your desires. Meditate and do yoga as a way of attaining inner peace
Paramahansa Yogananda is the beloved author of Autobiography of a Yogi who popularized yoga and meditation in the West. Yogananda's books and teachings emphasize the oneness of all spiritual and religious paths, and focus upon developing a deep love connection with God. Call upon Yogananda for guidance on your own spiritual path, as well as help in developing your meditation and yoga practices.
Consider this week, are areas in your life causing you restlessness? Something once peaceful or enjoyable has become "work?" What can be done to re-new your relationship with this area of your life?
Peace & Love,
Blue Moon Gifts
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