Friday, April 27, 2012

Oracle Card of the Week April 27th 2012

This Week's Oracle Card: Divine Guidance    
You play a very important role in the awakening of the planet...


"Beautiful soul ----- you play a very important role in the awakening of the planet. Your light is so needed here. You are always wrapped in the loving embrace of the Divine. It is in those times, when your tears may fall or when you feel most alone, that your angels and guides are with you the most, shining their Light and Love on you. Not for one moment should you doubt this. You --- special soul --- are being lovingly guided and supported on your path. Divine guidance is leading you gently. Look for the signs, feel the Love and know that you are supported always."


Thank you for being here and present in this day. You will never know how many lives you touch and good things you bring to the world just by BEING here. Once again, thank you, I know you have touched my life at some point and I am grateful for that.  

~The light in me recognizes the light in you!~  

Blessings & Peacefulness,
Blue Moon Gifts

Friday, April 20, 2012

Oracle Card of the Week April 20th 2012

This Week's Oracle Card: Worthiness

Know that you deserve to receive good in all ways...


"Know that you deserve to receive good in all ways...You've been blocking your manifestations due to deep-seated beliefs that you don't deserve them. Manifestations aren't rewards for good behavior-they're effects of your thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and actions. When you allow yourself to receive, you help with God's plan to demonstrate love everywhere. Accepting Heaven's help isn't just about you personally; it's about allowing yourself to be helped so that you can help others. Accept good graciously, and affirm: "Thank you for gifts that have come to me now. I gratefully accept them for the good of all."


How many times do we stand in our own way? Too many! Let go of any thought that is not loving and kind towards yourself.
You are worthy.

Love & Laughter,
Blue Moon Gifts

Friday, April 13, 2012

Weekly Oracle April 13th, 2012

This Week's Oracle Card: Choice    
Jasper - Green...


"When you make a deal, you must follow through. If something happens and you think you might not be able to fulfill on your end of the deal, you need to tell the person involved as soon as possible. Don't just say, "Oh well, too bad." Instead apologize and tell them what you are going to do to make up for it. Is that acceptable to them? Can they rely on you in the future? We make our own luck. What goes around comes around. If things are not going the way you would like, what kind of "yuk" are you putting into the universe? Like energies are attracted to one another. Choose to see only the good in every single thing that happens to you. Your life is nothing more than the sum of the choices you have made to date. What are your choices right now? Write down the pros and cons of the different choices you could make and go with your gut feeling."

Happy Friday the 13th!  

Good Luck & Good Fun,
Blue Moon Gifts

Friday, April 6, 2012

Weekly Oracle April 6th, 2012

This Week's Oracle Card: Choose Peace  
What brings the greatest feeling of peace to your body & mind...
choose peace


"In this situation, choose the path of peace. As you think about your various options and possible outcomes, which brings the greatest feeling of peace to your body and mind? This is your answer.

Listen to your heart's truth. There is always a peaceful alternative to conflict. Your peacefulness elevates your energy and helps you to manifest your desires. Meditate and do yoga as a way of attaining inner peace

Paramahansa Yogananda is the beloved author of Autobiography of a Yogi who popularized yoga and meditation in the West. Yogananda's books and teachings emphasize the oneness of all spiritual and religious paths, and focus upon developing a deep love connection with God. Call upon Yogananda for guidance on your own spiritual path, as well as help in developing your meditation and yoga practices.

Consider this week, are areas in your life causing you restlessness? Something once peaceful or enjoyable has become "work?" What can be done to re-new your relationship with this area of your life?   

Peace & Love,
Blue Moon Gifts

Sunday, April 1, 2012