This Week's Oracle Card: Detoxification
Clean your body, environment, mind, and heart ....

"Card Meaning: You are being guided to clean your body, environment, mind, and heart of toxins. God and the Fairies will help you with this endeavor.
It's time to let go of toxins, within and around you. This card validates your inner guidance that has been telling you to let go of harmful habits. Go outside in nature, and call upon the Fairies to surround you. Ask God and the Fairies to help you release toxins from your mind, body, and heart. Ask them to help you release your cravings for harmful habits.
You'll soon find yourself naturally desiring organic fresh food and produce. You'll be guided to read ingredient labels of all foods, beverages, and toiletry items, and you'll only want to use natural products. You'll be guided away from environmental toxins. And most important, your thoughts and emotions will veer away from judgement and fear, and will become love-based instead.
Affirmation: I take excellent care of my body, and I crave only healthful foods and beverages."
We are offering a FREE Stone & Crystal Class this Saturday at 2pm.
Hope to see you soon,
Blue Moon Gifts
Many of us start new exercise routines at the beginning of the year. This is a great time to detox. Those previously less used muscles will be releasing the toxins stored inside. Be sure to drink lots of water to avoid feeling tired & sluggish!
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