This Week's Oracle Card: 44

"Card 44 ~ Birth of Angels You are surrounded with the loving support of the angelic realm. You play an important role on Earth in uplifting of the consciousness of the planet. The angels are here with you to help in every way they can. Remember, you have not been abandoned here. You are not alone on this journey.
Your gifts are very special and very needed. These Divine Beings are here with you to aid you in becoming fully who you are truly meant to be. Now you will see your path opening more than ever before."
Your gifts are very special and very needed. These Divine Beings are here with you to aid you in becoming fully who you are truly meant to be. Now you will see your path opening more than ever before."
Take a moment to thank your Angels for their love, protection & guidance this week.
Radiant Heart Felt Love,
Blue Moon Gifts
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