Friday, November 25, 2011

Oracle Card of the Week November 25th 2011

This Week's Oracle Card: Strength
your experiences have made you strong and corageous....

"You're stronger than you realize, according to this card. Your career dreams require inner resolve and courage, and you've built those qualities from your life lessons. Everything you've ever experienced has brought you to this moment, and you're more prepared than ever to start a new project and persevere to complete it...

Which path do you think will lead to greater joy: taking steps in the direction of your dream  or endlessly procrastinating? Which will ultimately be more painful to experience: risking defeat or humiliation by taking action... or playing it safe?"

Wishing you much strength today as you seek out those Black Friday sales!

Hope you had a blessed day of Thank-FULL-ness!             
Blue Moon Gifts 

Friday, November 18, 2011

Oracle Card of the Week November 18th 2011

This Week's Oracle Card: 44
Birth of Angels....

"Card 44 ~ Birth of Angels You are surrounded with the loving support of the angelic realm. You play an important role on Earth in uplifting of the consciousness of the planet. The angels are here with you to help in every way they can. Remember, you have not been abandoned here. You are not alone on this journey.

Your gifts are very special and very needed. These Divine Beings are here with you to aid you in becoming fully who you are truly meant to be. Now you will see your path opening more than ever before."

Take a moment to thank your Angels for their love, protection & guidance this week.             
Radiant Heart Felt Love,   
Blue Moon Gifts 

Friday, November 11, 2011

Oracle Card of the Week November 11th 2011

This Week's Oracle Card: Healing Abilities
Use your natural healing abilities....

Thank you for clearly guiding, encouraging, and supporting my healing work.

"Since God is the ultimate healer and you are God's creation, you have natural healing abilities that can benefit your health (as well as the health of others). This card is Archangel Raphael's way of urging you to work with your own energy, spirit, and thoughts to effect healing. Your strong desire for renewal and restoration is a powerful remedy and treatment.

Raphael may guide you to take classes, read books, or conduct healing sessions.  He's also the angel who pushes healing-related books down from bookshelves, so if one happens to fall at your feet, this is a sign from him. It's important to follow Raphael's guidance and leads, as healing often occurs when human action partners with the Divine."

* Use visualization, energy work, or other self care healing methods * Work with a spiritual healer * Start a career in healing *

Spend some time with an animal this week, the healing energy exchanged will be good for you both.            
Healing Light,   
Blue Moon Gifts 

Friday, November 4, 2011

Oracle Card of the Week November 4th 2011

This Week's Oracle Card: The Hearth-Fire
Family Support and Nourishment....


"The hearth fire is the heart of the home, the symbol of the Mother Goddess and her protection. It provides warmth, light, and means of cooking food to nourish the family.

Look to your family for help, advice and comfort. Your personal security is uppermost important and home is the safest place for you... work for reconciliation and forgiveness if relations are strained. Don't take risks at this time. If you are lacking in spiritual nourishment, feeling depressed, down hearted, or lonely, seek the company of friends. Their support will soothe and comfort you and reaffirm your sense of worth."

Oh! I love Otter energy! Excited to see how Otter works in our lives this month... always playful & nurturing.            
Bless you,   
Blue Moon Gifts 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011