This Week's Oracle Card: Change

At times, we are afraid of making changes because we don't know what will happen in the future. This card wants you to know that the changes you are going through are for the best. You are walking though a gate into a new life. Don't worry about your future, because it's all going to work out just fine.
These changes, come in part, because you are growing older. You like different things now, compared to when you were younger. It's ok for you to change, because change is a part of life. In the same way, your friends and family members will change as they grow older. You are all letting go of things that no longer work well for you, and you are bringing in the new. Even though these changes may seem to make your family and friends act differenty, in the end everyone will be closer. You'll make new friends through these changes , too.
Change starts with accepting responsibility for where you are right now, knowing that you have the ability to take your life from where it is and create what you really want. That responsibility starts with an increased awareness of the way things are - not the way you think they are, but the way they really are.
Butterfly Blessings,
Blue Moon Gifts
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