Saturday, June 29, 2013

River of Movement June 29, 2013

This Week's Oracle Card: River

Earth Magic by Steven D. Farmer

 The softened light from the sun falls upon this meandering river, the sparkles
 reflecting the gentle movement taking place in the river’s body. She moves easily
around the curves and rocks, sometimes gently, as portrayed in this card, and
sometimes quite rapidly and intensely. Still, the river’s movement will always
eventually land her in the bosom of great Grandmother Ocean.

 Some of her water will evaporate along the way to feed the waters of the sky —
just as it takes place in any other bodies of replenishment in a perfectly natural
cycle that helps the planet sustain itself. Water is our lifeblood, a nutrient more
essential than food. The flow of water throughout our own bodies serves as a
metaphor for how life itself flows through us and expresses as us.

Fighting or blocking the flow of your Life Force can lead you to feeling spiritually
void and disconnected from Source. Just like the metaphor of the river, it does not
work to force or fight this compelling movement. When you simply pay attention
and observe the flow, it becomes easier to navigate your experiences and see what
lies ahead, or at least get a sense of what is to come by the ever-changing geography
 that unfold as you cruise along. Your resistance is hampering your ability to make
a choice in this matter.

Surrender to the movement of Life, be grateful, and you will see the signs along the
shore and in the river itself that offer you clues about what direction your egoless
Self is to be making.

“Go with the flow” is more than a trite aphorism here.
It is essential that you do so now.
Breathe, relax, and you will know.
Love & Light,
Blue Moon Gifts

Tuesday 10:00-7:00
Wed. 12:00-5:00
Thurs & Fri 10:00-6:00
Saturday 10:00-5:00

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Achievement June 22, 2013

         Your goals are achievable, they are!  Your heart is pure and full of wonder.  Allow your ideas to flow through you like the water to this lotus.  When your thoughts are free, it is as if a light of wonder appears and dreams come alive.  You are wonder and grace.  Full of magnificent light and joy.  Within you are many unending possibilities unearthed for you to discover.  They are within your grasp but must be allowed the time and energy to come to fruition.  Like that of a seedling that needs tending before it will sprout, so too are your dreams and unending amounts of wonder, amazement and joy within your talents and abilities.  Do not lend fear a hand. 

           At this time it can feel easier to brush dreams and inspirations away and tell yourself those are for other people, that you do not deserve the praise or reward.  We are here to say that it is untrue.  You are not only deserving, you are everything and everything is you.  Love lives within each one of you.  The center of love is truth where everything lives.
          Be inspired on your beautiful journey called life.  There is but a brief moment in time on your plane to live.  We ask for you to consider living your life fully with wonder and joy.  Dream, inspire, create, live.
Blue Moon Gifts

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Stay Optimistic June 15, 2013


Your dreams are coming true. Don't quit right before the miracle occurs.

Divinatory meaning: This is it - your time has come! You’re about to collect your rewards, and your prayers will be answered. However, a bit more patience and guided action on your part is required. The extra wait and effort are definitely worth it. You’re just about there, and this card asks you to keep your faith about miracles and heavenly magic.

Use your imagination to visualise that your dreams have already come true. Your heart will swell with gratitude and joy, and these emotions will speed up your desired manifestations. Before long, you’ll be enjoying the tangible results.

Love and Blessings
Blue Moon Gifts

Friday, June 7, 2013

Remember June 7 2013

"You are made in the image and likeness of your Creator, so you embody aspects of all those qualities. Your inner Divine light is pure and bright in truth, and no mistakes can undo God's handiwork of true perfection. Don't be afraid of your power, your magnificence, or your wisdom. When you succeed, you inspire others. When you change your life so that it's more aligned with your interests, you inspire others. Be powerful! Be Magnificent! This is who you are." 

Love and Blessings
Blue Moon Gifts