Friday, March 29, 2013

March 30th 2013 Unfoldment

This Week's Oracle Card: Lotus Flower

Today, I unfold...

Earth Magic Oracle Cards By Steven D. Farmer
"The Lotus Flower sits upon one of it's leaves having risen to the surface as the sun invites it to the light. What we learn from this amazing plant is how our own spiritual path opens and unfolds to the light, and then folds in upon itself as daylight fades. This period is just as necessary as the growth for it allows the plant to integrate what it has gained in nourishment during the day.
Your spiritual unfoldment is occurring at all times. Like the lotus, your soul is always reaching for the light, but even in those times there is a period of darkness and rest. It has an innate rhythm of its one, one that is unique to you. Unfold to the light.

Here's to a time of UNFOLDING!
Love & Light,
Blue Moon Gifts
Tuesday 10:00-7:00
Wed. 12:00-5:00
Thurs & Fri 10:00-6:00
Saturday 10:00-5:00

Animal Totem of the month April 2013 ~ Cardinal ~

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Blessing March 23rd 2013

This Week's Oracle Card: Blessings

Today, I count my blessings...

Mary Queen of Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

"The affirmation she would like us to learn is: "Today, I count my blessings, small and large, and I notice the new gifts that come to me from God."
For the future: We received this card as a reminder of the power of gratitude. Perhaps we've been feeling sorry for ourselves lately or feeling as if God has forgotten about us. He hasn't! Mother Mary reminds us that our prayers are answered in many different ways, and guides us to notice all of the gifts and blessings we already have. Sometimes, shifting your focus from "what's wrong" to "what's right" can make us notice new blessings that had previously been overlooked.
This is a card of optimism, asking us to purposefully and consciously focus upon everything and everyone that we're grateful for. We can make a mental or written list - daily, ideally - to train our minds to notice all the gifts we already have. By doing so, we're more likely to notice the new ones coming our way.
This card also signals that new blessings are entering our lives as answered prayer.
Our prayer: "Thank You, dear God! I open my arms and receive Your new blessings into my life now. I love You! Amen."

Dear Deborah,
Wishing peace in this present moment for you.
Reiki by Rev. Vicki L. Basar offered in the shoppe today...
We will have a lovely yoga session offered by Amy at our next Women's Circle this Thursday the 28th at 7pm. Come and stretch your muscles and delight in joyful conversation and support. We'd love to see you here. All levels of yoga practice welcome, never tried it before? Even better! (The Women's Circle is always a free event open to all women.)
Blue Moon Gifts
Tuesday 10:00-7:00
Wed. 12:00-5:00
Thurs & Fri 10:00-6:00
Saturday 10:00-5:00

Friday, March 15, 2013

Energy Healing March 16th 2013

This Week's Oracle Card: Energy Healing

Ascended Masters Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

"The situation you've inquired about involves energy healing. You have healing abilities that you can direct through your hands, thoughts, and heart.  Send loving energy to elevate and heal this situation. You can clear the energy in a home, office, or vehicle as well. Your experiences with energy healing may be so powerful that you decide to conduct healings as a profession.

Additional Meanings:

♥  Take an energy-healing course such as Reiki, Qi Gong, Pranic Healing, or Healing Touch.
♥  Your life purpose involves conducting energy healing.
♥  Clear the space in your home or office through feng shui, burning sage, or other energy-healing methods.
♥  Send love to the situation or person.
♥  Avoid situations, places, or relationships with harsh energy.
♥  Everything is healing and will be okay. 
No one knows for certain whether Merlin actually lived as a mortal man or not.  What is agreed upon is that Merlin is the quintessential magician and sage-wizard archetype.  He's associated with King Arthur's Camelot, Avalon, and Glastonbury.  He's also considered to be an aspect of Hermes Trismegistus, the teacher of esoteric wisdom.  Merlin is a powerful ascended master who helps spiritual teachers and healers focus their energies in beneficial ways."

Cherish each moment and rejoice in the renewal of spring!
Courageous Compassion,
Blue Moon Gifts

Tuesday 10:00-7:00
Wed. 12:00-5:00
Thurs & Fri 10:00-6:00
Saturday 10:00-5:00

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Purification March 2nd 2013

This Week's Oracle Card: Purification

It is time for a cleansing detoxification of your body and mind...

Goddess Guidance by Doreen Virtue

"It is time for a cleansing detoxification of your body and mind."
Message from Coventina: "This message comes as a help, and not as an affront or a criticism. Your vessel has become clogged by overuse of harsh chemicals, and the offending source is within your psyche. You've been ignoring your body's many signals and screams for relief from the steady ingestion of impurities. Perhaps you've also noticed a slump in your energy level, and your degree of joy has lagged as well. Never mind these past effects, though, as the solution is at hand right now. Now that you've heard this message, do not hesitate for even a moment to make new arrangements. You'll want to keep a sharp focus on the contents of your mind and speech as well, for the words you think and speak are the very diet that supports or thwarts you. Choose purity, and I promise you a changed outlook for the better."
Various Meanings of This Card: Follow your intuition's guidance about making lifestyle changes * Stop abusing alcohol or drugs * Avoid processed foods such as sugar, white flour, and so on * Eat more organic foods * Keep your thoughts and speech positive * Adopt a vegetarian or vegan diet * Go on a fast or detox diet * This card can also be a validation that your current healthful path is working.
About Coventina: Coventina is a powerful Celtic goddess of the waters, including the oceans, lakes, streams, ponds, and rivers. Coventina protects bodies of water and their inhabitants, and she's happy to give you a Divine assignment related to environmentalism, if you ask her. Wishing wells were made in her honor, and today we continue the practice of throwing coins into water while making a wish. It's Coventina who grants these wishes. Since our bodies are primarily made up of water, she's very involved with helping us purify our physical selves. She reminds us that purification also means keeping our thoughts and speech filled with positive words, which empower and strengthen our bodies and lives."


Well, someone must have needed this to come late in the day! My two year old kept shuting off the computer on me and then the whole email timed out indefinitely. Hopefully this time it is charmed enough to go through!

March is here! The spring flowers are poking through the ground, can't wait for us all to delight in their full faces. Check our calender through out the month. As the weather brightens we will offer more events and classes.
Peace in you heart's center,
Blue Moon Gifts
Tuesday 10:00-7:00
Wed. 12:00-5:00
Thurs & Fri 10:00-6:00
Saturday 10:00-5:00

Friday, March 1, 2013