Friday, September 28, 2012

Oracle Card of the Week September 28th 2012

This Week's Oracle Card: New Friends  
New people are entering your life....

"Your circle of friends and acquaintances is shifting to a higher frequency. Old friends part ways, and new people are entering your life.

Your changing interests and priorities have made a ripple effect throughout your entire life. As your thoughts and emotions center on more spiritually natured topics, you are now attracting like-minded people into your life. You may find that you aren't as drawn to your old friends, or that you don't share as many common interests.

Do not worry about these natural shifts in your life. You aren't rejecting or judging your old friends. You are just making room for growth, and acknowledging the Universal Law of Attraction: People who are like-minded are naturally drawn to one another. Know that you deserve wonderful friends who inspire, support, understand, and complement you."

Affirmation: I am grateful for my wonderfully supportive and loving friends.  

Gather up your new friends and come for a visit! We would love to see you.

Happy happy happiness,

Blue Moon Gifts

Friday, September 21, 2012

Oracle Card of the Week September 21st 2012

This Week's Oracle Card: Light and Love 
Your purpose is to bring Divine Healing....

"You are a conduit of God's pure light and love; and you bring this healing energy through with your prayers, visualizations, and positive intentions. This is your life purpose! Although it may seem nonspecific, rest assured that your prayers have helped in significant, specific ways. You are anchoring Divine light and love to the earth, which is ensuring that the planet is safe, stable, and protected. Please keep up this good work, as it is necessary and valuable!

You can also channel this purpose in other ways as well. For example, your natural spiritual gifts make you a wonderfully successful healer. Whether you conduct energy work, counseling, or some other form of physical or psychological therapy, always remember to bring through the Divine healing force. You don't need to drain your own energy, as there is an unlimited supply readily available for all who tap into the Divine.

This card also signifies that you can heal your present situation by applying light and love to it and everyone involved. Hold only positive and loving thoughts and feelings, and watch the blessings multiply in beautifully surprising ways."


Remember, by just 'being' in a balanced peaceful place with in yourself you are affecting and blessing those around you with that same Divine energy.

We will be open late tomorrow! Come & see us during the Rock for Brazil event. We are open until 9pm. Polly & Janelle are available for readings through out the day.

Light & Love,
Blue Moon Gifts

Print one for you and one for a friend... 

"Follow Your Bliss to
Blue Moon Gifts..."
( 812 ) 443 - 2584
10 West National Ave. Brazil, IN 47834

Friday, September 14, 2012

Oracle Card of the Week September 14th 2012

This Week's Oracle Card: Quiet Time

You need some time alone....

"Quiet Time ~
You need some time alone, away from other people and environmental noises. Even a brief respite would be extremely rejuvenating for you.
Sometimes we are not even cognizant of the detrimental impact of stress in our life. We become so accustomed to living in an uproar that we are not aware when our body is telling us that it is on overload. The symptoms include illness, unusual fatigue, depression or anxiety, appetite and weight issues, addictions, sleep disorders, irritability, and a desire to withdraw from life.
You are now being asked to honor your body and soul by spending some quiet time alone - as soon as possible. This might mean going on a silent retreat; spending the day at a lake or beach, or in the mountains; taking a hike; or visiting a day spa. You coud even turn off your phone; put a 'Do Not Disturb' sign on your door; and take an afternoon nap, a long bubble bath, or read your favorite book. Regardless of the form that your quiet time takes, the fairies just ask that you keep this promise to yourself without delay.
Affirmation: I now give myself permission to be silent within and without. My mind is quiet, and I enjoy my own company."

Oh no! Due to some water damage, WE WILL BE CLOSED TOMORROW (Saturday the 14th), for repairs. Sorry for any inconvenience. Please send well wishes and good juju to our roof.
Hope this finds you in the best of times.
Beauty in All Things,
Blue Moon Gifts

Friday, September 7, 2012

This Week's Oracle Card: Positive Change 

"Your likes and dislikes have changed, and you've outgrown situations that once appealed to you. These are positive developments signaling your spiritual growth. Some of these situations are blessings in disguise, as they're pushing you to make necessary and positive changes. You may feel pushed beyond your comfort zone as multiple areas of your life shift and flux, yet the universe always stands ready to support you with whatever you ask for. Let go and enjoy this ride, because it truly is for the best.

Additional meanings for this card:  
* Let go of procrastination or perfectionism  
* Break your goals into baby steps and take one step at a time  
* This could be a message to retreat or move to the mountains  
* Revamp your schedule so that you devote regular time to your priorities  
* Be assertive in saying no to anything that diverts you from your path.

Paravati (sometimes spelled Parvati) is the Hindu goddess of mountains, marriage, and households. Legend says that Shiva the Hindu god was grief stricken following the death of his first love, Sati, so he retreated to a mountain cave. When Paravati was born in the mountains, Shiva fell in love with her devotion to helping the planet. They became united in love and had a son, Ganesh. Call upon Paravati for solace and solutions to any seeming problem, especially if you're meditating in the mountains."  

Learning about the Opossum totem reminds me of my high school volleyball coach's wise motivational speeches. His favorite one (or at least the one he had to use most often with our group) was "Fake it 'till you make it." Some days we were up at dawn, in a bus for hours and just too tired to get excited about playing. Opossum teaches that we can 'fake it' to make it though the situation ahead.
Joy & PeaceFULLness,  
Blue Moon Gifts

Thursday, September 6, 2012