Friday, October 28, 2011

Oracle Card of the Week October 28th 2011

This Week's Oracle Card: Individuality
Allow your true self to shine because you're awesome....


"Allow your true self to shine because you're Awesome! You drew this card because you sometimes worry about social acceptance. The fairies want you to take time to celebrate your uniqueness, since to them you're delightful and perfect just as you are right now. The fairies love your ideas, your creativity, and they urge you to just be your authentic self. Don't squelch your true self to gain others' approval. Pretending doesn't ever work anyway, and you can't please everyone. Instead, enjoy being authentic and trust that like-minded people will be attracted to you."

* Dress in a way that makes you happy * Trust and follow through with your creative ideas and visions * Speak your truth * Express yourself

What a wonderful time to pull this card! Have a fabulous Halloween!!!           
Have a Boo-tiful Day,   
Blue Moon Gifts 

Friday, October 21, 2011

Oracle Card of the Week October 21st 2011

This Week's Oracle Card: Ocean
Ebb and Flow....


"An important aspect in the art of living is to move with the ebb and flow of your emotions, joining their fluidity but not being captured by it. It is also not necessary to become obsessed with any particular fluctuation in mood or feeling. They are simply emotions, often activated in ways that are completely beyond your understanding. When you neither minimize nor exaggerate the intensity and importance of your emotions, you then have a greater sense of when and how to express them.

You have been fighting the ebb and flow of your own feelings... allow yourself to swim with these variations rather than resisting them.

The ebb and flow of Life was never more clearly represented than it is in the ocean. The tides of these great bodies of water move in and out with rhythm and the waves continue to roll in and out on the shores with varying patterns and have been doing so for millions of years and will continue to do so for millions of more.

These tides have been moving with a regular sense of predictability unless unforeseeable forces of nature cause them to change- like hurricanes and earthquakes- both of which can have a profound effect on the oceans and tides. The oceans cover 70% of the Earth and the human body is 70% water. The dynamic gravitational interaction of the sun and moon that moves these massive bodies of water and creates the shifting tides also affects our human bodies in ways that we respond to instinctually, often having a great deal more influence over our moods and emotional states than we are aware of."

Well soon we will have an ocean in Brazil with all of this rain! 

Hope to see you out for the Fall Festivities this Saturday. We will have Readers, Give-Aways, Prizes, Treats and Free Face Painting!

Don't forget, today is the deadline, to post photo's of your pumpkins to our facebook page or bring a photo by the store for a chance to win a $25.00 Gift Certificate.           
Blue Moon Gifts 

Friday, October 14, 2011

Oracle Card of the Week October 14th 2011

This Week's Oracle Card: Vulnerability
You can take risks with your feelings....


You are in a place now where you can take risks with your feelings, and even more important, take risks with the truth of who you are-the truth you know in your heart and soul. You no longer need to be subjected to your conditioned fears of letting others know who you really are. Yes, others may judge, evaluate, criticize and perhaps even put you down. These are very real possibilities. Yet by trusting that you have the strength to deal with these reactions-rather than responding adaptively and always playing it safe-you can more confidently allow yourself to be vulnerable. Always holding back from expressing your truth can create an illusion of safety, but armed with your trust and your faith, you can choose to be vulnerable and share your authentic self with the world.
Don't forget to post photo's of your pumpkins to our facebook page or bring a photo by the store for a chance to win a $25.00 Gift Certificate!       

Clay County Humane Society fundraiser this week, $2 for each person who comes in the store. Hope to see you soon!   

Friday, October 7, 2011

Oracle Card of the Week October 7th 2011

This Week's Oracle Card: Laughter
Every cloud has a silver lining....


Every cloud not only has a silver lining, but it also has a humorous side. Try to objectively stand back from your situations and find a humorous twist. Laughter will help you see your life from a new perspective so that you can receive creative insights and solutions.

You are much too serious about life, according to the fairies. They aren't asking you to neglect your responsibilities, let go of the sacred reverence for life, or defend your emotions with jokes. Instead, you're asked to see the humor that runs through the thread of life. Like a brilliant comedy, our lives become more enjoyable when we can see them through the eyes of a humorist.

Laughter helps us to stand back and see ourselves and our situations more objectively. When we laugh, we relax. And when we relax, creative solutions and renewed energy course through us more easily. So, take time today to laugh. For instance, go see that new funny movie or play, buy a book by your favorite comedy writer, or exchange silly jokes with a friend.

Affirmation: I find the humor in life, and I laugh easily

Hope this finds you well & smiling! The big cats this month are powerful totems. Feline energy is strong & healing so enjoy their presence. The third week of our charity drive will send all donations to the Exotic Feline Rescue. If you haven't been we highly recommend the experience (      

Next week we will give $1 to the Clay County Humane Society for each person who comes in the store. Hope to see you soon!   
Blue Moon Gifts 

Saturday, October 1, 2011