Wednesday, May 26, 2010

This Weeks Oracle Card: Fresh Air

Fresh Air: "Thank you for helping me breathe easier..."

"Fresh air was once prescribed for ailments because our ancestors knew of its curative properties. This card indicates a need for you to open the windows to increase ventilation and spend more time outdoors. The angels' messages are carried upon molecules of oxygen, so the more fresh air you breathe, the easier you can tune into their loving guidance.

This card also signals that Archangel Raphael is assisting you (or the person you are inquiring about) to breathe easier -- meaning that burdens are lifted, an increase in freedom is felt, lung capacity is increased, or relief from previous stressors is achieved." 

May this find you centered in your heart.
Many Blessings,
The Blue Moon Gifts Family 

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Oracle Card of the Week May 19th 2010

This Weeks Oracle Card: Release & Surrender
Release & Surrender: "Release the challenges that you've held tightly"   

"We shower you with blessings of our radiant love. Open your arms, and release the challenges that you've held tightly gripped within your hands. Open your hands, arms and heart to our love and assistance."

The angels bring this card to you because you've been trying to fix this situation single handedly They'd love to help you and answer your prayers, but first you need to surrender and release the situation. Surrender simply means that you are tired of struggling. It means emotionally letting go, with faith that the Divine wisdom of Spirit (which includes your higher self) can do a better job. Surrender doesn't mean that you are giving up or that you want to be controlled. Through surrender, you'll be assured of a better outcome. If you need help with surrender, ask the angels to assist you.

Don't worry about how your prayer will be answered know that it will.

Thank you so very much for letting the wisdom of the cards speak to your heart. We are so grateful to assist in this way. May you see the beauty in the little things this week.
Hope this finds you well & smiling,
The Blue Moon Gifts Family 

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Oracle Card of the Week May 12th 2010

This Weeks Oracle Card: Ariel
Archangel Ariel: "Be courageous, and stand up for your beliefs."         

Pulled for this week from Doreen Virtue's Archangel Oracle Cards
"In this situation, you need to act upon your convictions, even if others disagree. I am protecting you from harm, and guiding you to be a loving warrior of light. As you stand up for your beliefs, you're a role model for others. This is an important form of spiritual teaching, in which your example gives others courage to also stand up for their own principles."

We hope you are enjoying this wet week as much as your garden is! We have been thinking long and hard on something helpful we can do for our newsletter subscribers. We are now offering a weekly Oracle Card & monthly Animal Totem. We all can benefit from listening to the universe around us in this form or another!
Have a Blessed week,
The Blue Moon Gifts Family