Friday, September 30, 2011

Oracle Card of the Week September 30th 2011

This Week's Oracle Card: Otter
Otter-Joy, Play, Helpfulness....


Otter's Celtic Symbolism
These animals were considered very magickal by the Celts. Otter represents play, sharing, helpfulness, faithfulness and joy. She teaches people to relax, become a child again and enjoy life. Otter is a strong protector who helps people to find their inner treasures and hidden talents, gain wisdom, and to be able to recover from any crisis. She has a strong sense of family, which serves a lesson

Please check our calendar often this month, we have free meditations, contests, free face painting & a Fall Festival all upcoming for October.  direct link to calendar. Sharing our joy for our favorite time of the year...    

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Head On Out Charity Drive ~ Food Pantry

For the month of October we are doing a fundraiser for a different charity each week... what can you do? Stop by the store - that's it! We will donate $1 for every person who comes in the store that week. Stay posted for information on what charities are being supported each week. So, come on by and bring friends!
$1 will be given for each person that comes into the store starting Tuesday the 4th of October to the local Food Pantry. An easy way to earn money for a good cause, just stop in to the store... follow our count on facebook!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Oracle Card of the Week September 23rd 2011

This Week's Oracle Card: Change
The changes you are going through are positive...


At times, we are afraid of making changes because we don't know what will happen in the future. This card wants you to know that the changes you are going through are for the best. You are walking though a gate into a new life. Don't worry about your future, because it's all going to work out just fine.

These changes, come in part, because you are growing older. You like different things now, compared to when you were younger. It's ok for you to change, because change is a part of life. In the same way, your friends and family members will change as they grow older. You are all letting go of things that no longer work well for you, and you are bringing in the new. Even though these changes may seem to make your family and friends act differenty, in the end everyone will be closer. You'll make new friends through these changes , too.

Change starts with accepting responsibility for where you are right now, knowing that you have the ability to take your life from where it is and create what you really want. That responsibility starts with an increased awareness of the way things are - not the way you think they are, but the way they really are.

Butterfly Blessings,   
Blue Moon Gifts 

Friday, September 16, 2011

Weekly Oracle September 16th 2011

This Week's Oracle Card: Turtle
Feed my spirit...

Turtle... Great Mother,
Feed my spirit,
Clothe my heart,
That I may serve you too.
In Native American teachings, Turtle is the oldest symbol for Planet Earth. It is the personification of Goddess energy, the eternal Mother from which our lives evolve. We are born of the womb of Earth, and to her soil our bodies will return. In honoring the Earth, we are asked by Turtle to be mindful of the cycle of give and take, to give back to the Mother as she has given to us.
Turtle has a shell which is similar to the protection that Earth has employed for centuries as her body has ben fefiled. Mother Earth's protection has come in the form of Earth changes, new plant growth, the creation of new land masses by volcanoes, and climate alterations. Like Turtle, you also have shields that protect you from hurt, envy, jealousy, and the unconsciousness of others. Turtle teaches you, through its habit patterns, how to use protection. If you are bothered by the actions or words of others, it is time to go inside yourself and honor your feelings. If you are attacked, it is time to give a warning snap.

If you have chosen the Turtle symbol, you are being asked to honor the creative source within you, to be grounded to the Earth, and to observe your situation with motherly compassion. Use the water and earth energies, which represent Turtle's two homes, to flow harmoniously with your situation and to place your feet firmly on the ground in a power stance.

Turtle is a fine teacher of the art of grounding. You may even be able to overcome some of your "space cadet" tendencies if you align with Turtle medicine. In learning to ground, you are placing focus on your thoughts and actions and slowing to a place that assures completion.
Turtle warns of the dangers of "pushing the river," as evidenced by the plodding pace it keeps. The corn that is harvested before its time is not yet full. However if it is given the chance to develop at its own rate, in its own season, its sweetness will be shared by all.

Turtle buries its thoughts, like its eggs, in the sand, and allows the sun to hatch the little ones. This teaches you to develop your ideas before bringing them out in the light. Look at the old fable of the tortoise and the hare, and decide for yourself whether or not you would like to align with Turtle. Bigger, stronger, and faster are not always the best ways to get to a goal. When you arrive, you may be asked where you've been and you may not be able to remember. In that case, arriving prematurely can make you feel very immature.

If you draw the Turtle card, it augurs a time of connecting with the power of Earth and the Mother-Goddess within. This is a reminder of the ally you have in Mother Earth. It does not matter what situation you have created: ask her for assistance, and abundance will follow.

Pulling the Turtle card in the reverse means that Mother Earth is calling you to reconnect in some way. If you have become flippant and forgotten to place waste in its proper place instead of throwing it out the car window, she is calling. If you have felt alone in your time of need, she is calling. If you have been struggling financially or have little to eat, or if you have desired a child and see no pregnancy in the near future, she is your medicine - use it. You are not alone... ever. You are a child of Earth. All acts of pleasure, joy, and abundance are given by the Mother of the creative force. Use her energy to aid you, and you will be healed enough to share this energy with others.

The idea of a Turtle helplessly trying to right itself after it has been flipped upside down can also symbolize contrary Turtle. You are not a victim, and you are not helpless, no matter how much it may seem like this is the case in your present situation. To right the ill-dignified Turtle, you need only list the things you are grateful for, and from that grateful place in your heart, look for the abundance of alternatives that Mother Earth gives.
Source: Medicine Cards: The Discovery of Power Through the Ways of Animals by Jamie Sams & David Carson, Illustrated by Angela C. Werneke
Notice the number of the card pulled is 10. According to Agrippa, "ten is called the number of all or universal, and the complete number marking the full course of life." Also he attributes to it a sence of totality, the achievement, the return to the unit after the development of the cycle of the first nine numbers.  

Look for completed-ness to enter your life this week.   

Blessings & Achievement,   
Blue Moon Gifts 

Friday, September 9, 2011

Oracle Card of the Week September 9th 2011

This Week's Oracle Card: Lion
Banish Loneliness...


 Banish loneliness by reaching out to special friends.

"Tawny monarch of the savannah, Lion does not waste days in needless physical exertion, but conserves energy by sleeping, resting, and companionably lounging. Working long, exhausting hours for the money leaves little time for the pleasures of friendship. Loneliness is spirit-diminishing - designer clothes make poor companions. Lion has padded into your cards to remind you how vital friends and neighbors really are. Reach out to those around you and be open to others."

~Susie Green      

"Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are." - Malcolm Forbes  

See Your Value,  
Blue Moon Gifts  

Friday, September 2, 2011

Oracle Card of the Week September 2nd 2011

This Week's Oracle Card: Resolve
Elephant - You will overcome any obstacles...


"Move forward toward the fulfillment of your heart's desire. Let nothing stop you. If your goals and intention are spirit-driven, then it's only your ego's fear and discouragement that will stop you from achiving it. Dispel any resistance along the way until you reach your destination or accomplish your goal. Be the mightiest of warriors, and see yourself as triumphant in your quest.

You have an important mission. There's no point in dilly-dallying around, finding all sorts of distractions so you can avoid your destiny. Don't yield to temptations that entice you from your path. It's time to live your life according to the inner drive and desire of your inner spirit. Don't let yourself be stopped by someone else's disapproval. It's really not their disaproval so much as your fear of their disapproval. It's especially important right now to not only speak your truth, but to live your truth. And by the way, have some fun while you're at it!

Additional Associations:
Protective; Motivated; Maternal; Family"

~Steven D. Farmer     

Like the sunflower, turn your head to follow the "sun" or "joy" in your life this month.See how your thought patterns and inner peace change with this new focus.This month we will pull an animal card from a new deck each week. Our creature teachers are so valuable in our daily lives. 

Sunny Smiles,  
Blue Moon Gifts 

Thursday, September 1, 2011